CCC Cares Book Club

The book club was revived by the CCC Cares Wellness Sub-committee from the original Book Club and Lunch started by Rose DeNardo. The Wellness sub-committee shares information and initiates activities that help employees live healthier lives by maintaining lower stress levels, healthy eating habits and mental health awareness.

Current Book

January 2025

The Authenticity Project by Clare Pooley

Summary: Julian Jessop, an eccentric, lonely artist and septuagenarian believes that most people aren’t really honest with one another. But what if they were? And so he writes—in a plain, green journal—the truth about his own life and leaves it in his local café. It’s run by the incredibly tidy and efficient Monica, who furtively adds her own entry and leaves the book in the wine bar across the street. Before long, the others who find the green notebook add the truths about their own deepest selves—and soon find each other In Real Life at Monica’s Café. The Authenticity Project’s cast of characters—including Hazard, the charming addict who makes a vow to get sober; Alice, the fabulous mommy Instagrammer whose real life is a lot less perfect than it looks online; and their other new friends—is by turns quirky and funny, heartbreakingly sad and painfully true-to-life. It’s a story about being brave and putting your real self forward—and finding out that it’s not as scary as it seems. In fact, it looks a lot like happiness.

The Authenticity Project by Clare Pooley
Date & Time: Friday, January 17, 2025 – 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
Location & Registration: Via Zoom – Check your CCC email for the registration link.

All CCC Cares book selections are available through the Camden County Library System.
Or check your local library system for copies.

Advance registration is encouraged even if you are unsure about your attendance.
Registering in advance allows the facilitator to contact interested bookworms regarding schedule conflicts or reading progress to determine date/time changes, if needed.

Common questions and answers about the book club.

For more information please contact, Rose DeNardo at